Monday, April 27, 2015


It's 9pm at night, I'm desperately trying to fill my brain with last minute content for my Anatomy mid-semester exam in a few days and honestly, I don't mind it so much (in saying that, the majority of me is over panicking about it, but at least I love what I do). 

I say this, because I think I've made a decision. I'm dropping the Science component of my double degree to focus solely on Biomed. It's not that I am struggling doing both, or anything of the sort. Sitting in my Ecology lecture this morning, falling asleep, made me seriously realise that I feel strongly about the environment and its importance to society, but I don't get a kick out of it like I do when we talk about the human body and helping people. And when people ask me, "what are you going to do afterwards?" My answer is never anything to do with Conservational Biology. 

I just hope this decision is the right one. And I hope I haven't stuffed up my course progression. My friends gave me some good advice the other day: I shouldn't feel trapped by the decisions I made in the past. Sure, it's a pain in the bum and I may have to do some extra units to complete the single degree requirements but I will have peace of mind knowing that I am one step closer to something I feel passionately about. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Each day is a new day

It's always funny that I end up back here towards the start or the end of a significant chapter of my life. It's probably no surprise though, because often those chapters are bookended by exams and this is the perfect procrastination outlet. 
I have my final first year exam tomorrow, and it's crazy. It's crazy because a year has flown by and I've experienced so much (both good and bad), I've met new people, seen people change, seen myself change and overall (or so I like to think) I have become an enriched person. And now my outlook is: where to from here?

Three things have remained pretty constant over the past 8 or so months:
1) University 
2) My job
3) Mon petit ami (and might I add, most importantly)

University has been such a whirlwind, and honestly, I am still not used to it nor do I understand it. I was prepared for it to be "different" to VCE, of course, but I did not prepare myself for the atmosphere, the like-minded people and the craziness of studying. I think what I find most different is not so much the independent learning, but more so the pace of everything. What we covered in an entire year of VCE, we crammed into 4 little months and by the time you've taken your time to understand one thing, you're about 2 weeks behind the current content. The content isn't necessarily hard, but the keeping up part is (I can say for sure though, that enjoying the units makes it 110% easier). Am I proud of how I've done over the past year? Mid-year, I would've said no. But I look back at what I've managed to juggle with my studies and I have to give myself a little credit. A job (often demanding 20+ hours of me), 20ish contact hours a week, 3 hour weekly orchestra rehearsals, weekly netball games and very occasionally a social event (and I mean VERY occasionally). All this considered, I've actually outdone my year 12 self and I didn't think that was possible. 

Although I can't give myself all the credit. A large proportion is thanks to my family (I don't say it enough, but the things you have to deal with are incredible and I promise that I am ever so thankful), my supportive friends (who always deal so well with my confusion) and of course, my ever so lovely petit ami - you keep me motivated every single day and love me at my best and my worst. Your unwavering patience with me has been truly integral and I hope I make you half as happy as you make me. 

So as I finish writing this to myself (I don't think anybody reads this and I am perfectly fine with that) but if you do, please feel free to leave a comment. I will most likely take a gander at your blog too, I thank life for constantly changing and I'll reflect upon you in what I assume will end up being a few months time.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Hello darkness, my old friend

It's funny how much can happen in the space of 2 months. I'm trying to make an effort this year to document more of each day, but the day seems to pass so quickly. 

Some snippets of my life are worth mentioning:
  • As always, I love, love, love mon petit ami. Thank you. You are beautiful every day.
  • I have turned 18 and I still cannot drive (please let me get my license on Friday!)
  • I am officially enrolled in University and am so ready to start (Hello Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Science)
  • I have overcome my fear of rollercoasters and braved many a rollercoaster whilst in QLD
  • Sea-monkeys will never live for me
  • I still get anxious about life 

Monday, December 2, 2013

My favourite time of year

Life thus far, post VCE:
  • Authentic Mexican food is truly great (even better when petit ami is with me)
  • After having not seen a friend for 2 years, you realise that it's as though time had barely passed
  • Had an early morning day trip to the Peninsula Hot Springs (with petit ami of course)
  • I am now employed and excited to be working with one of my good friends!
  • Mon petit ami is the best because he is willing to go to the drive-in with me
  • I will miss wearing the school uniform, truly
  • I am 2 weeks shy of the big 18 and I am still a sucker for board games played with my best friend
Things are as bright as the weather and I hope this stays up because I am happy.

P.S. Petit ami and I are going up to Wilson's Prom with his family this weekend. I am so keen.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Too cute

I am actually dying of cuteness overload here. 

Boyfriend, you are the sweetest person I have ever met. You know I love me some surprises (especially on my doorstep).

Happy anniversary, I love you x 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thank you

Tomorrow I finish my last exam for VCE. I honestly never imagined that this day would come; it always felt so far away. But I'm finally here and hopefully my results will be a reflection of the effort I've put in during my schooling life.

I am ever so happy to be finishing it with my supportive friends, family and my beautiful boyfriend.
In hindsight, it has really been a year full of new insights and unexpected surprises.
And despite the stress of it all, it really has been an awesome year.

So goodbye highschool.

Hello holidays and university. You will be great.

Congratulations class of 2013.

P.S. I'm not one to normally do this, but thank you to my boyfriend on one lovely year together. You have made it one of the best and I excitedly await many more to come (you won't be reading this, but that doesn't matter)